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Version: v0.14 🚧


Schema Container

Container describes how the Application's tasks are expected to be run. Depending on
the replicas parameter 1 or more containers can be created from each template.


nametypedescriptiondefault value
args[str]Arguments to the entrypoint.
Args will overwrite the CMD value set in the Dockfile, otherwise the Docker
image's CMD is used if this is not provided.
command[str]Entrypoint array. Not executed within a shell.
Command will overwrite the ENTRYPOINT value set in the Dockfile, otherwise the Docker
image's ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided.
dirs{str:str}Collection of volumes mount into the container's filesystem.
The dirs parameter is a dict with the key being the folder name in the container and the value
being the referenced volume.
env{str:str}List of environment variables to set in the container.
The value of the environment variable may be static text or a value from a secret.
files{str:FileSpec}List of files to create in the container.
The files parameter is a dict with the key being the file name in the container and the value
being the target file specification.
image requiredstrImage refers to the Docker image name to run for this container.
More info:
lifecyclelc.LifecycleLifecycle refers to actions that the management system should take in response to container lifecycle events.
livenessProbep.ProbeLivenessProbe indicates if a running process is healthy.
Container will be restarted if the probe fails.
readinessProbep.ProbeReadinessProbe indicates whether an application is available to handle requests.
resources{str:str}Map of resource requirements the container should run with.
The resources parameter is a dict with the key being the resource name and the value being
the resource value.
startupProbep.ProbeStartupProbe indicates that the container has started for the first time.
Container will be restarted if the probe fails.
workingDirstrThe working directory of the running process defined in entrypoint.
Default container runtime will be used if this is not specified.


import kam.workload.container as c

web = c.Container {
image: "nginx:latest"
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "echo hi"]
env: {
"name": "value"
resources: {
"cpu": "2"
"memory": "4Gi"

Schema FileSpec

FileSpec defines the target file in a Container.


nametypedescriptiondefault value
contentstrFile content in plain text.
contentFromstrSource for the file content, reference to a secret of configmap value.
mode requiredstrMode bits used to set permissions on this file, must be an octal value
between 0000 and 0777 or a decimal value between 0 and 511


import kam.workload.container as c

tmpFile = c.FileSpec {
content: "some file contents"
mode: "0777"