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Version: v0.14 🚧


Kusion can be configured with some global settings, which are separate from the AppConfiguration written by the application developers and the workspace configurations written by the platform engineers.

The configurations are only relevant to the Kusion itself, and can be managed by command kusion config. The configuration items are specified, which are in the hierarchical format with full stop for segmentation, such as backends.current. For now, only the backend configurations are included.

The configuration is stored in the file ${KUSION_HOME}/config.yaml. For sensitive data, such as password, access key id and secret, setting them in the configuration file is not recommended, using the corresponding environment variables is safer.

Configuration Management

Kusion provides the command kusion config, and its sub-commands get, list, set, unset to manage the configuration. The usages are shown as below:

Get a Specified Configuration Item

Use kusion config get to get the value of a specified configuration item, only the registered item can be obtained correctly. The example is as below.

# get a configuration item
kusion config get backends.current

List the Configuration Items

Use kusion config list to list all the Kusion configurations, where the result is in the YAML format. The example is as below.

# list all the Kusion configurations
kusion config list

Set a Specified Configuration Item

Use kusion config set to set the value of a specified configuration item, where the type of the value of is also determinate. Kusion supports string, int, bool, array and map as the value type, which should be conveyed in the following format through CLI.

  • string: the original format, such as local-dev, oss-pre;
  • int: convert to string, such as 3306, 80;
  • bool: convert to string, only support true and false;
  • array: convert to string with JSON marshal, such as '["s3","oss"]'. To preserve the format, enclosing the string content in single quotes is a good idea, or there may be unexpected errors;
  • map: convert to string with JSON marshal, such as '{"path":"\etc"}'.

Besides the type, some configuration items have more setting requirements. The configuration item dependency may exist, that is, a configuration item must be set after another item. And there may exist more restrictions for the configuration values themselves. For example, the valid keys for the map type value, the data range for the int type value. For detailed configuration item information, please refer to the following content of this article.

The example of setting configuration item is as blow.

# set a configuration item of type string
kusion config set backends.pre.type s3

# set a configuration item of type map
kusion config set `{"configs":{"bucket":"kusion"},"type":"s3"}`

Unset a Specified Configuration Item

Use kusion config unset to unset a specified configuration item. Be attention, some items have dependencies, which must be unset in a correct order. The example is as below.

# unset a specified configuration item
kusion config unset backends.pre

Backend Configurations

The backend configurations define the place to store Workspace, Spec and State files. Multiple backends and current backend are supported to set.

Available Configuration Items

  • backends.current: type string, the current used backend name. It can be set as the configured backend name. If not set, the default local backend will be used.
  • backends.${name}: type map, a total backend configuration, contains type and config items, whose format is as below. It can be unset when the backend is not the current.
"type": "${backend_type}", # type string, required, support local, oss, s3.
"configs": ${backend_configs} # type map, optional for type local, required for the others, the specific keys depend on the type, refer to the description of backends.${name}.configs.
  • backends.${name}.type: type string, the backend type, support local, s3 and oss. It can be unset when the backend is not the current, and the corresponding backends.${name}.configs are empty.
  • backends.${name}.configs: type map, the backend config items, whose format depends on the backend type and is as below. It must be set after backends.${name}.type.
# type local
"path": "${local_path}" # type string, optional, the directory to store the files. If not set, use the default path ${KUSION_HOME}.

# type oss
"endpoint": "${oss_endpoint}", # type string, required, the oss endpoint.
"accessKeyID": "${oss_access_key_id}", # type string, optional, the oss access key id, which can be also obtained by environment variable OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
"accessKeySecret": "${oss_access_key_secret}", # type string, optional, the oss access key secret, which can be also obtained by environment variable OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
"bucket": "${oss_bucket}", # type string, required, the oss bucket.
"prefix": "${oss_prefix}" # type string, optional, the prefix to store the files.

# type s3
"region": "${s3_region}", # type string, optional, the aws region, which can be also obtained by environment variables AWS_REGION and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.
"endpoint": "${s3_endpoint}", # type string, optional, the aws endpoint.
"accessKeyID": "${s3_access_key_id}", # type string, optional, the aws access key id, which can be also obtained by environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
"accessKeySecret": "${s3_access_key_secret}", # type string, optional, the aws access key secret, which can be also obtained by environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
"bucket": "${s3_bucket}", # type string, required, the s3 bucket.
"prefix": "${s3_prefix}" # type string, optional, the prefix to store the files.
  • backends.${name}.configs.path: type string, the path of local type backend. It must be set after backends.${name}.type and which must be local.
  • backends.${name}.configs.endpoint: type string, the endpoint of oss or s3 type backend. It must be set after backends.${name}.type and which must be oss or s3.
  • backends.${name}.configs.accessKeyID: type string, the access key id of oss or s3 type backend. It must be set after backends.${name}.type and which must be oss or s3. For oss, it can be also obtained by environment variable OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID; while for s3, it is AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID.
  • backends.${name}.configs.accessKeySecret: type string, the access key secret of oss or s3 type backend. It must be set after backends.${name}.type and which must be oss or s3. For oss, it can be also obtained by environment variable OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET; while for s3, it is AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
  • backends.${name}.configs.bucket: type string, the bucket of oss or s3 type backend. It must be set after backends.${name}.type and which must be oss or s3.
  • backends.${name}.configs.prefix: type string, the prefix to store the files of oss or s3 type backend. It must be set after backends.${name}.type and which must be oss or s3.
  • backends.${name}.configs.region: type string, the aws region of s3 type backend. It must be set after backends.${name}.type and which must be s3. It can be also obtained by environment variables AWS_REGION and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION, where the former is priority.