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Version: v0.13

kusion release unlock

Unlock the latest release file of the current stack


Unlock the latest release file of the current stack.

The phase of the latest release file of the current stack in the current or a specified workspace will be set to 'failed' if it was in the stages of 'generating', 'previewing', 'applying' or 'destroying'.

Please note that using the 'kusion release unlock' command may cause unexpected concurrent read-write issues with release files, so please use it with caution.

kusion release unlock [flags]


  # Unlock the latest release file of the current stack in the current workspace.
kusion release unlock

# Unlock the latest release file of the current stack in a specified workspace.
kusion release unlock --workspace=dev


      --backend string     The backend to use, supports 'local', 'oss' and 's3'.
-h, --help help for unlock
-w, --workdir string The work directory to run Kusion CLI.
--workspace string The name of target workspace to operate in.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --profile string          Name of profile to capture. One of (none|cpu|heap|goroutine|threadcreate|block|mutex) (default "none")
--profile-output string Name of the file to write the profile to (default "profile.pprof")


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 26-Sep-2024